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Sheet Music Treble Clef and Bass Clef HN
A music game to
learn to read piano sheet music the fun way !

You can customize your Happy Note! Screensaver by setting and changing various options.
F2 Key for wallpapers
Use theF2 Key to set an active image as wallpaper.
General Tab
Specify Image duration in seconds.
Specify Item order :
-Sequential if you want item order to be unchanged.
-Random if you want random item order and display frequency.
-Shuffle if you want item list to be randomized with and all items displayed equally often.
For first transition to start from Desktop, Check Start image
painting on Desktop.
Position Tab
Select preferred sizing option. If you choose media size to be unchanged, you can select media position to be centered or random.
Effects Tab
You can select from list only the effects you want, select all effects or select no effects.
To preview effect, click on its title. Adjust effect speed by setting it slower (smoother) or faster.
Sound Tab
To display the screensaver without music, Check the Mute sounds box.
Check Repeat playlist to loop playlist, otherwise it will be played just once.
Check Shuffle playlist item order to randomize playlist item order.
Check Select and play just one playlist item to play single, randomly selected music file instead of playing the whole playlist.
Behavior Tab
Check Mouse Move if you want your screen saver to close on mouse move.
Check Mouse Button Click if you want your screen saver to close on mouse click.
Check Keyboard Button if you want your screen saver close on key press.
Check ESC Button if you want your screen saver close on pressing the Esc button.
Happy Note! Technical Support
Question or problem ? Please contact Happy Note! Support.