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More than learning to read music notesWelcome to Read Music Notes Sing'n Learn HN! You're going to learn to read the music notes in Treble (G) and Bass (F) clef easily. In the same time, you'll learn to play or sing a piece of music "on tempo", without slowing down or speeding up. And by hearing a note you read or sing out its name, you will progressively and naturally learn to associate a given pitch (the sound of a note) with its name. Eventually, you could be able both to recognize a note just by hearing it and to sing a note just by looking at it. Your first -a- Musical Reading with C color music noteWhen you run Read Music Notes Sing'n Learn HN for the first time, the program is opening on the Musical Reading 2a (if you select the Pedagogy menu, the 2 notes option is checked) : ![]() You can see the Musical Reading number and letter (-a- or -b-) in the Title Bar above the menu. Here: "Read Music Notes In the 2a Musical Reading, there is only 2 different music notes : C and G. The C is in color to help you to recognize it. The ___ signs show the missing notes you'll learn in the next readings : ___ ___ C ___ ___ ___ G ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 1 click to toggle between alphabetic (A B C...) and syllabic (DO RE MI...) namesC and G are alphabetic music names (A B C D E F G/H - H for German people). If you want to use the syllabic names (DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI), just click on ___ ___ C ___ ___ ___ G ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (or press the N key on your keyboard) to change it to ___ ___ DO ___ ___ ___ SOL ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___. Choose your speed and read the score "on tempo"Each Read Music Notes Sing 'n Learn HN Musical Reading lets you choose between 5 tempos (speeds) :
Click on Largo or Adagio : the program will start beating time at the selected speed. The music will begin after 4 of these "practice beats." You must read at high voice or - better - sing out the name of each note you hear EXACTLY AT THE SAME TIME as you hear it, no sooner, no later (if it helps, feel free to beat time with your hand as you read or sing). To play or sing a piece of music "on tempo" is to play or sing it at the right speed, without slowing down or speeding up. This is an essential skill to acquire when learning music. Imagine an orchestra in which every musician would play the same piece at a different speed! Be sure that Read Music Notes Sing 'n Learn HN always plays "on tempo"! Your first -b- Musical Reading without color noteIf you're a beginner, you don't need to practice the Musical Reading in all five speeds. Try Largo, Adagio, Andante. When you can read the 2a Musical Reading easily in Andante speed, without hesitation on the name of the notes, click anywhere on the score - on the music notes - to toggle between the 2a and 2b Musical Reading : ![]() The Title Bar above the menu is now showing 2b instead of 2a. In the -b- Musical Reading, the music notes are always the same as in the previous -a- Musical Reading, but without color. In the -b- readings, there is not a color music note to help you to recognize it. Again, read at high voice or - better - sing out the name of each note you hear EXACTLY AT THE SAME TIME as you hear it, no sooner, no later. 3a Musical Reading and new color music noteWhen you can read the 2b Musical Reading easily in Andante speed, without hesitation on the name of the notes, select the Pedagogy/3 notes menu to display the 3a Musical Reading : ![]() 3a Musical Reading : the new music note - E - is displayed in color, the two learned previous notes - C and G - are displayed in black. As you can see, there are 3 notes : the two previous learned music notes, C and G and a new one, E : this new E note is displayed in color to help you to recognize it. As previous, click on a speed button and read or sing out the name of each note you hear EXACTLY AT THE SAME TIME as you hear it, no sooner, no later. When you can read the 3a Musical Reading easily in Andante speed, without hesitation on the name of the 3 music notes, click anywhere on the score - or press Spacebar - to display the 3b Musical Reading : ![]() 3b Musical Reading with the same 3 music notes (C E G) that 3a Musical Reading, but without the help of the E color note. When you can read the 3b Musical Reading easily in Andante speed, without hesitation on the name of the notes, select the Pedagogy/4 notes menu to display the 4a Musical Reading : ![]() The 4a Musical Reading displays the 3 previous learned music notes (C E G) in black, and the new one, the D music note in color. Learn about Staff and Treble (G) ClefIf you don't understand how work the Clef and the Staff (the five parallel lines with music notes), go to the Help - Music Help menu and select Mini interactive tutorial about Treble (G) clef to run a mini interactive tutorial. Always in the Help - Music Help menu, you'll find links to learn about Staff, Clefs and Music Notes. ShortcutsClefs : T for Treble (G) clef, B for Bass (F) clef -a- musical readings :
-a- to -b- or -b- to -a- Musical Reading : Spacebar key or left click on the score Alphabetic or Syllabic name of music notes : N key or left click on the name of the music notes Sheet Music Treble Clef and Bass Clef HNYou can use Read Music Notes Sing'n Learn HN alone or with our best-seller game, Sheet Music Treble Clef and Bass Clef HN. The two programs share the same Pedagogy menu and the same color music note system : ![]() |