Designed by music teachers, a true video game to learn how to read music notes the fun way. Treble clef (G clef) and bass clef (F clef), A B C D E F G and Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si notations. No more boring music lessons!
Download Sheet Music Treble Clef and Bass Clef HN
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Fully Compatible With Over 100 Happy Note! Videos
Sheet Music Treble Clef and Bass Clef HN uses the same color note system as the Happy Note! videos, making it easier to learn new notes.
Play and Learn to Read Sheet Music the Fun Way
- no previous knowledge in music theory or solfege requested
- designed by music teachers to be both fun and educative : forget about boring music lessons!
- Pedagogy menu and facultative color music note system to help beginners…
- …or click on a music note to select the ones you want to learn or improve
- if you play a wrong music note, the game can teach you – facultative – the name of the music note
- two game modes: Beginner (easier) or Expert (more fun and very challenging)

G and F clefs, A B C and DO RE MI Musical Notations
- Play in Treble (G) Clef used to read sheet music for the piano, guitar, violin, flute, oboe, clarinets, saxophones, horn, trumpet…
- …or play in Bass (F) Clef used to read sheet music for the piano, cello, euphonium, double bass, bass guitar, bassoon, trombone, tuba, timpani…
- For each clef, play in alphabetic music notation – A B C D E F G – or syllabic music notation – DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI – or even in German musical notation – A H C D E F G
A Fully Customizable Game for People of all Ages

- click on the Score to start the game with a customizable bonus (great for very young children)
- set the final score to get a winning game (or no limit)
- click on the stopwatch to set the game duration
- click on the Dynamite Stick to disable it (easier game) or restore it (more fun)
- 3 initial game speeds (Adagio, Moderato, Allegro) and the speed increases with the Score
- play a game with 1, 2 or 3 simultaneous music notes sliding on the musical staff
Hi-Score and More
- choice of several music styles or listening for every music note
- customize the color of the game (several preset colors or your free choice), use Happy Music Note! free pictures or your own images as background and set its transparency from 0% to 100%
- smart Hi-Score taking care about the number of learned music notes and all the game settings
- all settings are saved between two games or when you exit the game
- tutorial, full help and music help