Click Music Notes HN is a learning mouse game for kids. To play, children must click on a note and turn it into animal. The speed of moving music notes can be set from 0 (immobile) to 100 (unplayable, even for parents!).
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Learn how to read music notes easily and quickly with color notes
It is also possible to play with all notes or only some : a simple click on a music note before you start the game, disable it.

When you exit Click Music Notes HN, settings are saved.
About Mouse !

Click Music Notes HN: Right Click and Left Double Click
At the end of the game, the images come alive on a piece of music : it is possible to learn the left double click and the right click with them.
Score and Hi-Score
Each click on a music note earn points. The more notes and the faster they move, the more points you earn.
A Hi-Score reward the best players.